The J1C Story
Cameron’s Story:
During a quiet night in June 2018 whilst preparing to lead a team of volunteers to visit our sponsor children, I found myself overwhelmed with where this 6-year Cambodian journey was taking me. Who do you think you are? What difference can you make? Look at the situation - you really think you could even put a dent in it? In the midst of all this, another thought entered my mind:
‘What if you go through all this and you just helped one - would you still do it?’
My mind answered this question one way, and my heart another. I followed my heart.
Just One Cambodia was born that night, and now all I can ask of you is the same question that so impacted me:
What if you just trained one?
What if you just fed one family for a week?
What if you just housed one widowed mum for a month?
Would you still do it?
Cameron Wright
J1C: Our Story
Just One Cambodia (J1C) commenced mid 2018 after founder and CEO, Cameron Wright decided it was no longer an option to remain a bystander. Cameron’s journey with the Cambodian people started in 2012 by sponsoring 9 children from slums in the nations’ capital, Phnom Penh. He first visited them in March 2013 and this experience left a lasting impact, materialising in numerous subsequent visits since and strong friendships deepening with his sponsor children and their families.
Now reassured in the knowledge that his sponsor children are well looked after, receiving a quality education and that ‘they are the last generation of their families that will have to live like that’, Cameron’s attention turned to their disadvantaged parents and other adults living in similar impoverished conditions. As a result, J1C was founded to provide meaningful employment, valuable working experience and small business training to parents that could not ordinarily access these opportunities.
Our passion put simply: Teach ‘em how to fish!